Welcome to the BPIF eLearning platform

The BPIF eLearning platform has been set up by the organisation that represents the UK carton industry to benefit it's members (whether converters or suppliers) to provide an education tool for those who wish to improve their knowledge and receive formal certification.

To gain access to the modules you need to ensure your company is registered. If not please ask your personnel department or manager to contact BPIF and request access.

If your company is registered then all you need to do is register yourself by clicking the 'Register' button. Once your account has been approved you will be notified via email and you will then be able to login to the platform.

Once logged in you will see a list of all the modules available for you to take. You will have access to a 'Module Resource' for each module on which the questions will be based. Once you are ready you will be able to take a module by answering a selection of
multiple choice questions.

Once you have passed a module you will be able to print off your BPIF eLearning certificate and will be recorded as having taken and passed that module. At any time you will be able to view your full results history.

BPIF will be recognising successful students with an annual award and your company may well also be offering incentives.

Further modules will be added so keep an eye out for any new modules that appear.

Good luck!